Today I met an interesting Executive Coach who shared with me an interesting module in how one can help discern one's career as also how to leverage one's leadership strength.
The steps are quite simple really - its called S.O.A.R
1. Situation - describe 3-4 situations you have been in that stand out for you. What was it, the background, the actors involved. In other words, what was the challenge or opportunity?
2. Obstacles - What were some of the constraints or obstacles you've had to face to resolve the issue? How much of it was within your control or outside your control?
3. Action - What actions were available to you? What were the various options? why did you select the option you did? What actions did you finally take?
4. Outcome - What was the eventual outcome? Did the issue get resolved and how well?
Do try this out. List this on a sheet of paper, and you fill find a pattern emerging. Perhaps you will see a distinct style to how you approach challenges and opportunities. If all of these have lead to success, you would be able to glean a leadership style, a competency which stands out for you.
Of course you can do the similar exercise for situations where the outcome has not been great. This would likewise point out to your developmental opportunities.
You can use this tool for others areas too: What about my job, do I like / dislike, etc.
Knowing yourself, and your strengths is a critical tool to leverage your Career. Hopefully, this small post has got you thinking about You.