On Comparison
Freedom is not choosing one or the other on the same
continuum – it is about transcending that line.
Let's begin with a few examples:
Someone feels she is happier being at home making sacrifices to her career while
she attends to her loved ones.
The beggar feels he is happier than the prince for he feels more content with what he
has in his humble abode.
Ashok feels he
has no regrets working in Dubai away from home. The money is good, it pays
for a good life and education for his children.
Anita shares she is prefers to live by honest
means, instead of doing what she see her colleagues doing: she believes they will be punished for their immoral
Kumar works as an independent consultant, he
prefers this lifestyle, although he admits the money is lesser, and income intermittent.
Andrew observes his boss, who is a workaholic:
he has money, cars, travels extensively, but no work life balance. He feels his life is better; at least he gets to
spend time with his family and friends.
The list of examples can go on. I am sure you have many more
you could add.
Truth is that we are all in search of bliss. Bliss is not
happiness, or the absence of unhappiness. Bliss is when you transcend happiness
and unhappiness. When as (PD Ouspensky writes
in Fourth Way), you stop the identification
with the other.
Or what we refer to as non attachment. The only truth is that which emerges from
within true knowledge or awareness) and not from outside. All scriptures point
to the spiritual, there are by itself not spiritual.
Be it known that the opposites exist together: darkness and
light, knowledge and ignorance, happiness and unhappiness, friend and enemies,
love and hate. Our desire for one,
attracts us to its counter point. ‘Buy one, and get one free’- it seems. All sweet moments end with grief, and in our
darkest hour, we see the hopes of light ahead. This unending choice to choose
‘one’ and reject the ‘other’ is a pattern repeated through our lives. The other
will not drop, it is the ‘shadow’ that lurks with us always. For it exists in
the other. In the seeds of immense doubt, there exists trust; and in the seeds
of immense trust there exists doubt.
Yet we go on repeating this pattern away from
choicelessness, hoping fervently that the next time around, our past
experiences will re-emerge with the ‘hell’ taken out. That would be our heaven.
That would be when we finally arrive. Yet, time and again, the experience is re
surfaced, and with its inevitable drama. We imagine that the ‘other’ has found
it. He /She must be happy, we suspect. We see large signboards while driving –
‘Buy the dream house, live your fantasy’. Picture of a welcoming spouse, a
swimming pool, children in parks, etc. We cough up huge amounts, borrowed from
banks, pay EMI’s: yet the happiness is elusive!
We recognize at some point, we are living a story tale we
were once told: do this, acquire this, strive for this and you will be happy!
Our life is our Myth we live; what we Have we do not Value, and what somebody
gives us, we do not appreciate, for we want it a little differently than the
manner it was given.
In the examples I provide above, the ‘other’ is always
present. When comparison exists, the soul is in torment. Why the
comparison. Does a river compare with a
tree, a lily with a rose, a bird with a snake. There is nobody, exactly like you! There never will be. Yet the stuff that you and I and everything around us is made of exactly the same stuff. We existed before, we will exist always. Our form is what will change - just that which is manifest.
I reason, that it is neither deny or defy, neither renounce
or denounce. But to be in both: experience both in fullness and transcend. We have NOWHERE to go! All we have is NOW HERE.
I like to end by asking, are we human being with a spiritual
view or a spiritual being with a human body?