Thursday, 18 June 2015

Cultural DNA of Nations – a talk by Gurnek Bains

Cultural DNA of Nations – a talk by Gurnek Bains

Attended a session today, which was fascinating.

We all know we live in a VUCA world. Gurnek, clarified that his research which spanned two decades working with Leadership across the world showed that any Culture of a Global Organisation is rooted in the country of their HQ origin. Look for the default setting. Hence, MNC’s behave different globally. Each global culture has a distinctive strength or weakness which needs to be understood. There is no one single MNC DNA.

There is then the paradox of similarity and differences: on one hand people are the same, yet they differ from geography to another. Trust develops slower in some parts of the world, for example as in Africa. Looking Outside in, and Inside Out is critical to understanding differences: the key is sensitivity to the other, ie: empathy.

Another point he argues is that the ecology drives existing and new leadership skills. He cites a few examples:

·      Positivity, change and rigidity  - as in US
·      Authoritarian, compact, harmony – as In China
·      In the moment mindset – as in Sub-Saharan Africa
·      Equality – as in Europe
·      Tension between modernity and tradition – as in Middle East

He then went on to talk about the Indian DNA, which was of keen interest to most HRD’s present. Indian DNA is characterized/influenced by:

·      Ahimsa
·      Inner Directedness
·      Maths
·      Individual paths
·      Horizontal stratification
·      Ritualistic thinking

All of this has lead to Indians doing more of perceiving rather than doing. Interesting, outside of Africa, India has the highest genetic variability.

I loved the stats he shared as under: Top 6 strengths

Attribute                                           Global                        India
Achievement drive                                40%                        46%
Commercial Thinking                          37%                         34%
Responsibility, Duty                               35                            x
Analytical Thinking                               32                           30
Action Oriented                                     30  
Positivity                                                29
Strategic Thinking                                                                  24
Intellectual Flexibility                                                            34

Gurnek closed out by offering Indian Leaders several tips:

Team: System thinking, Team rewards and recognition, Build at early stage peer group support

Self Insight:  Coherent feedback mechanism but also build sensitivity, link to purpose, Skilled feedback / work through resistence, recognition spikes, build on strengths.

Relationship Resilence: Transition support, range of influencing skills, recognize and acknowledge differently

Critical Thinking: Early rotation outside of expertise, encourage failure in the persuit of trial and error, Create safe space for dialogue.

For me, I came out of the session with lots of aha aha moments: implications to organisations, and for me Professionally as a Leader.

If this has aroused your interest do buy a copy of Cultural DNA, The Psychology of Globalisation, By Gurnek Bains, Wiley Publishers. Gurnek is the founder and CEO of YSC and is based out of London.


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