Tuesday 1 December 2015

Everything begins with acceptance, everything ends with expectations.

Everything begins with acceptance, everything ends with expectations.

What do I mean my acceptance? Acceptance is being in nature with, in resonance, in harmony, in balance. There is no better or best, what is, is perfect. In every way. Know this, we are unique. Every stage of our evolution is perfect. The caterpillar to the butterfly and the process within is all required: every step is needed. Accelerate one stage, and you have chaos. The seed under the ground needs to harden before it sprouts: it must die unto itself before it transforms and is re-born.

A farmer was disappointed with nature that his crops would not grow as well as he would like, and for one season the Maker gave him the boon to control the climate. He ordered Sunny days, and wet days, but in the end the crops failed. It was the dry period that was so badly needed for the seeds to sprout. Life must be accepted in its eternity: not more of this, and less of that. Everything is needed. Everything, good and bad (not my words) is needed.

In child psychology it is well understood that as a child skips one stage (for example the crawling stage, as he uses a walker, his growth is slightly stunted). Our brains continue to retain all of our primordial selves: the amphibian, reptilian, etc even as we evolve. We are in a state of transition all the time. No step is to be missed.

Borrowed text below:

Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:

1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Love is unconditional: it is given without any expecatations. It is giving completely. Like a a flower that blossoms before it bears fruit: it is our very nature to love.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” 
 Lao Tzu

“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.” 
Jim Morrison

Yet we are filled with expectations: all the time. We expect more from ourselves and from others around us. Expectations come from a notion of a false illusion that if this were to come true: we would be happy. Many of us pray with the belief that we expect we would live the good life eternally, worse still we expect to save ourselves from the agony of hell. Priests and Pundits create expectations.  Once we buy into that: we are imprisoned in their games. Then we can be controlled. Like Pavlov: conditioned, we salivate like the dog, hoping for the promised.

Regrettably, what we seek is a myth: a phantasy; what we have, we don’t not value at all, and what we want Nobody gives in the exact way we want. Even an ideal self is the worst poison: it is the most dangerous. It is a false exuberance and commitment around a goal that we hold most dear to ourselves, but which will forever endure.

Our expectations from ourselves come from Introjects of significant others in our lives: symbols of an elusive better self. All our lives, we expect more from ourselves: who we are is not good enough.

Remember this, expect and you will be disappointed, surely as night follows day. Accept, and nature bends unfolding her beauty in full panoply.


  1. Interesting. Am not sure of ends though. May good things endure anyway.

  2. On your last statement - I once stood in front of a lake, with arms outstretched and beckoned to nature, "non-willingly", as in, no summoning of my will, no "me", no choice exercised. (As you can see, its a struggle to express this state in words :) ).. I then realized that nature gushes in and laps you up in a loving embrace!


Join me with your reflections, observations and perspectives. Please do share. Thanks, Steve