Sunday, 4 February 2018

Self Exploration – One’s Feelings 30 minute exercise


Handles most painful feelings and moods that arise on a day-to-day basis. The exercise allows for deep inward process of discovery. This is done by peeling away the psych as one does with an onion. This is done in pairs, and both sides will have 10 minutes each way, or whatever time gets agreed at the start.


The exercise helps to delve and explore deep feelings. This itself clears the air and brings a person back to balance and clarity.


1.     Work in pairs. Read this full page carefully – 5 minutes.
2.     The Person being asked the question is the one who will decide the question. (eg, What’s bothering YOU, <first name>?).
3.     The facilitator does not interrupt or give advice…Ever.
4.     When question is answered, the facilitator, says, ‘thank you for sharing’ and asks the same question again.
5.     Allow for 10m each round, and then switch roles.


One can adapt with the ‘positive –negative’ variation. Eg. What is making you feel upset?” and follow up with “What are you feeling good about?’


If the exercise does not meet the objectives, it may be necessary to do a trauma clearing. For this exercise the person may wish to use rapid eye movements, at any comfortable speed from left to right, absentmindedly and automatically, and paying attention only to feelings, insights, thoughts and memories.


You will need:
1.     A stop watch/timer (phone app).
2.     Sit at right angle to each other using two chairs.

Other Resources

Ensure you have a quiet environment, free from external interruption.

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