Sunday, 4 February 2018

Self Exploration – Clearing Traumas

Self Exploration – Clearing Traumas

75 minute exercise


1.     Complete the self-exploration exercise first as per instructions first.


2.     The exercise helps to delve and explore deep feelings and painful memories. As the memory is relived several times the emotions change and finally the feelings are less emotional.


3.     Ask, ‘what are the uncomfortable feelings you are feeling?’
4.     Facilitator to write down the feelings in a note pad.
5.     The facilitator does not interrupt or give advice…Ever.
6.     The facilitator ask, “what is the corresponding negative belief in Life connected to these feelings” (example – People I love hurt me).
7.     When question is answered, the facilitator, says, ‘when have you felt this before?
8.     How could you magically heal all these feelings connected to this memory?
9.     Ask Person to invoke a memory just like a still photo and go through it silently reliving it again.
10.   Now relieve the memory aloud, but in present continuous tense.
11.   Repeat step 9 and step 10  a few more times ( minimum 4)
12.   Then as the person to merge the new still photo, with the original one – Ask, what is happening to the Picture?
13.   Often, a panic attack may arise. Encourage the person to breath deeply.


One can adapt with the ‘positive –negative’ variation. Eg. What is making you feel upset?” and follow up with “What are you feeling good about?’


If the exercise does not meet the objectives, it may be necessary to work with an earlier memory rather than the one chosen. For this exercise the person may wish to use rapid eye movements, at any comfortable speed from left to right, absentmindedly and automatically, and paying attention only to feelings, insights, thoughts and memories.


You will need:
1.     A stop watch/timer (phone app).
2.     Sit at right angle to each other using two chairs.

Other Resources

Ensure you have a quiet environment, free from external interruption.
Allow for sufficient time and allowing person to be in ‘healing bubble’.

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