The source of all suffering is wanting things to be different to what they are. Our resistance is our suffering. One single thought, “I don’t like this, I wish it was that.”. The heart of suffering arises from an illusion. suffering is to the mind, what pain is to the body - a wake up call.
Our mind is the movement of consciousness – all of our senses is an activity of consciousness. Shiva, at rest; Shakti, when in movement. Our consciousness vibrates within itself, manifesting its forms, never its complete self. I can choose to be witness to my thoughts, ‘I am not this, nor that’ – neti neti. I am not my body, I am not my mind. It is not enough to see that the ‘rope is not a snake’ we need to go further. What we are, needs to see what it is! Through dhyan and dharna, one brings concentration, focus and contemplation to ‘Who am I’. This awareness of self is exploring the experience of awareness. At another level, we can move to one’s total consciousness and experience the dissolution. Recognise that the one which remains eternally is the 'watcher', through ongoing experiences, in waking, in dreaming or in sleeping. Awareness of awareness (call it consciousness if you like) is ever present. Often, when the consciousness projects of itself, the object is identified with, and one forgets that one is not the object nor identified with it. When watching a movie, the screen while being visible is forgotten, what is seen instead are the moving images. The screen is not effected by what is moving on the screen, yet all that is manifest comes off the screen. Our minds are only a dream, an imagination, a finite possibility that arises from the infinite intelligence.
Our mind is the movement of consciousness – all of our senses is an activity of consciousness. Shiva, at rest; Shakti, when in movement. Our consciousness vibrates within itself, manifesting its forms, never its complete self. I can choose to be witness to my thoughts, ‘I am not this, nor that’ – neti neti. I am not my body, I am not my mind. It is not enough to see that the ‘rope is not a snake’ we need to go further. What we are, needs to see what it is! Through dhyan and dharna, one brings concentration, focus and contemplation to ‘Who am I’. This awareness of self is exploring the experience of awareness. At another level, we can move to one’s total consciousness and experience the dissolution. Recognise that the one which remains eternally is the 'watcher', through ongoing experiences, in waking, in dreaming or in sleeping. Awareness of awareness (call it consciousness if you like) is ever present. Often, when the consciousness projects of itself, the object is identified with, and one forgets that one is not the object nor identified with it. When watching a movie, the screen while being visible is forgotten, what is seen instead are the moving images. The screen is not effected by what is moving on the screen, yet all that is manifest comes off the screen. Our minds are only a dream, an imagination, a finite possibility that arises from the infinite intelligence.
Our mind is an activity (of matter) of the entity ( if you wish to call it that) of Consciousness.
We don’t seem to be able to give ourselves what we want, we think somebody else can. The root cause, I think is that we believe deeply that we are ‘not good enough’– we are always striving to be better! We fail to realize that we are already competent, compassionate and lovable, the way we are.
We need to be aware that thoughts arise in you, they are not injected in you, correct? They arise in me, and dissolve in me. They exist when it appears, and it dissolves when it disappears. So, before a thought arises, there is ‘a space of no thought.’ We all have an opportunity for ‘no mind’ which is pure freedom. We either experience freedom or long for it. Being separate from our true nature, all of our actions is seeking for communion with one’s natural state. Being separate, we lose our own freedom, and with this ‘overlooking’ the self is veiled. Happiness or Bliss is a memory that is retained deep within, the finite self is compromised by beliefs and feelings superimposed onto it, which appears finite. This veiled ‘I’ longs to return to its infinite self. The ultimate aim to achieve sat chit Ananda. Happiness is absolute, within, and is not from ‘outside’.
Ponder over the following:
1. Expect, and you surely will be disappointed, Accept and you will experience bliss.
2. What we seek is a myth, what we want, nobody gives, what we have, we do not value.
3. We share our being. There is no separateness.
4. The self is pure consciousness, the separate self holds experience.